How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend – 5 Sweet Ways

With this question in your mind, we’re pretty sure you’ve found yourself in some hot shit with your girlfriend. You’ve forgotten her important anniversary again? You stared at the other lady’s backside for too long? She saw your likes on Instagram photos of your ex? You didn’t assist in making dinner? 

Probably, she is very upset with you and in all sincerity, her reasons are justified. And also, it is quite thoughtful of you to seek for a way to make amends.

We all know that ladies have a fragile heart and minor things could get them heartbroken. It is very necessary to quickly fix up things with them to avoid creating room for negative thoughts.

Apologizing to your girlfriend is not a rocket science, especially if you truly acknowledge your shortcomings. Because, being aware of your shortcomings is the first step of how to apologize to your girlfriend.

You cannot apologize for something you’re not aware of. Taking responsibility is very important just as the apology itself is.

We understand that apology differs according to the level of the offense. The way you apologize to your girlfriend for forgetting her anniversary is different from the way you should apologize to her for embarrassing her in public.

There are small mistakes and big mistakes. In a quick one, we’ll give you tips on how to apologize for your small mistakes.

How to apologize to your girlfriend

How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend For Simple Mistakes 

There are moments when minor mistakes degenerate to major mistakes and might even threaten the relationship. Irrespective of how simple the mistake might seem, there’s still an urgent need to fix it up. 

Maybe, you forgot your plate in the sink, you didn’t get her pizza on your way back after she informed you, you didn’t reply to her texts, or even worse you failed to compliment her new dress.

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In the above scenarios, the first call to action is acknowledging your mistake and following it up with a sincere apology. You can offer to take her out on an evening date or buy her her favorite chocolate. 

These kind gestures might be small but they convey your commitment to the relationship and explain how much you value her. 

How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend For Big Mistakes 

You have found yourself in some deep shit with your girlfriend and it now seems you may not get her forgiveness. Maybe, you missed acknowledging her big day or you have unintentionally hurt her feelings. 

If you’re in this tight corner, it is necessary to approach the issue with calmness, sincerity and humility. Render your sincere and unreserved apologies by first of all taking responsibility for your actions. 

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Don’t say “if I have offended you in any way…”, say “I know I have offended you….” You must not make the mistake of gaslighting her in your apology or you risk messing up the entire process. 

When you have expressed your sincere apologies, take proactive measures to prove your concern. You can get her a gift, make her dinner, drop her off at work, or get her a flower. Reassure her that you’re really sorry and would not make the mistake of offending her again.  

Don’t be persuasive with your apologies, allow her the time and space to think through and be in the right frame of mind to talk things out with you.

How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend: 5 Ways 

We have given you insight on how to apologize to your girlfriend for small and big mistakes. It is still necessary to provide you with a template that should be used anytime you want to render an apology to your partner irrespective of the gravity of the slip up.

In a relationship, there is great certainty you’d have reasons to apologize. While it may sound difficult to apologize, it is essential in keeping your relationship going. 

If you’re not sure of how to apologize to your girlfriend or maybe you don’t know how to put in the right words, these tips would guide you through the entire process and assist you in getting the genuine forgiveness you crave from your partner.

How to apologize to your girlfriend

1. Acknowledge her anger 

There’s no way your girlfriend would be mad at you for no reason. You must acknowledge her anger by taking responsibility for your actions. Don’t gaslight her into thinking she’s overreacting; that’s another form of emotional abuse. 

Tell her you’re aware you’re the reason she’s upset. You shouldn’t have done what you did and you’re already regretting your actions. For instance: “I know my actions are the reason why you’re upset…”

2. Apologize for your actions

After acknowledging her anger and taking responsibility for your actions, the next thing to do is to apologize. Let her know you’re in regret and you’re sincerely sorry for what happened. 

You can use: “… and I am so sorry for not replying to your texts or returning your calls.”

3. Give reasons for your actions 

If there’s a reaction, there must be an action. You should have a reason for acting the way you did. If your reasons are not reasonable, you’re advised to create a suitable reason. 

You have to make her understand that you were constrained by circumstances beyond your control. Because if you fail to establish this, you’ll be opening another chapter of issues when she starts questioning your priorities.

Example: “I was in a brief meeting with our shareholders and I wasn’t allowed to take calls or reply texts.”

4. Summarize your apology 

After giving the reasons for your actions, you have to round it off with another short apology. “To be sincere with you, I am truly sorry” would be a good example.

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If we put together the excerpts above, we’ll have: “I know my actions are the reason why you’re upset, and I am sorry for not replying to your texts or returning your calls. I was in a brief meeting with our shareholders and I wasn’t allowed to take calls or reply texts. To be sincere with you, I am truly sorry.”

Bottom Line 

Being able to apologize is being able to save your relationship. When you’re in a relationship, it is guaranteed that you’d get your partner upset in one way or the other. What matters most is your efforts to get back her forgiveness and fix your slip up.

How to apologize to your girlfriend starts with acknowledging her anger and taking responsibility for your actions. You can then proceed with your reasons and end the process with a sincere apology. 

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