How To Arouse Your Wife: 20 Ways To Make Your Wife Horny

Horny wife

There are many ways to strengthen the marital bond. Through healthy communication patterns and genuine commitment, the affair could be sustained.

However, despite the abundance of these marital nutrients, many marriages had also hit the wall because of one missing denominator – sexual compatibility.

Sexual compatibility is very essential in keeping your marriage healthy and lively. We understand how important it is to be emotionally compatible but the importance of sexual compatibility can never be overemphasized.

You have to match up with the sexual energy of your wife, to enable her to satisfy her cravings. When these natural cravings are left unattended, your woman may seek other options. 

To ensure you have your marriage intact and healthy, there’s a need to up your bedroom game. Even if you don’t understand how to put your wife in the mood, we have you covered.

In this article, we have identified 20 surefire ways to make your wife horny and wet because a horny wife is a happy wife.

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Horny wife

12 Ways To Get Your Wife In The Mood And Make Her Horny 

A strong sexual chemistry is very effective in building trust in your marriage. It makes you physically attracted to your significant other and sets you up for a peaceful marriage.

How to arouse your wife is beyond making her feel loved or wanted, it is a way to solidify your relationship with each other.

How to make her a horny wife? Worry a little. You’re on the right article.

1. Start with a date

Staying in space with your significant other for over a long period could be boring. You have to spice things up and get her in the mood.

The easiest route to this is to set up a date. No one gets tired of going on a date, especially when it is with someone they love. Do the planning. Go to her favorite park, arrange for her favorite dish and book a hotel.

It will be just you and her in the room after the joyful day. And it would just be a matter of moments before you have her snuggling into your arms.

3. Apply seductive teasing 

If you want to see a horny wife, tease her seductively. Tease her gently, caress her body, kiss her randomly and look into her eyes while maintaining a prolonged eye contact. 

While on prolonged eye contact, you can have your hands run through her back, caressing it gently. Don’t be too quick and in just a matter of moments she’d beg you to do it.

4. Offer her a sweet massage 

Just after the seductive teasing, proceed to a body massage. Let her lie with her back, get your massage oil and start working softly on her soft body. The pleasure of such a soft massage from a person she truly loves would be so intense to make her a horny wife in a matter of minutes.

5. Kiss her 

As you’re rounding up with the soft massage, she’s already getting the signals and obviously waiting for your next move. 

This would be the moment where you step things up. Take your game to the next level by leaning into her and kiss her gently and softly. Passionate kisses are very sensitive to women.

While on the kiss, trace her erogenous zones and add more spice to the process.

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5. Communicate with her

How to arouse your wife? Communication is key. Open up to her and tell her how you feel. 

Let her know about your fantasies, your cravings and what puts you in the mood.

These types of conversations are very essential to get your wife in the mood. The conversation puts a picture in her mind and prepares her mentally for your games.

6. Prioritize foreplay

Is there even a way to make her a horny wife without intense foreplay? Definitely not. Foreplay is very important and should be prioritized.

There are many erogenous zones in your wife’s body. You can’t discover these places through a university degree but through foreplay. 

Foreplay would expose her weak points and point to you the areas she loves being touched.

7. Assist her

Your wife must be attracted to you before your seductive antics would succeed. If she’s not interested in you, your games would fall like a pack of cards. 

To make her attracted to you, you must be her partner. Be around her and assist her in her duties. You could offer to do the dishes, prepare dinner or help her with the kids. 

These are subtle sacrifices that melts the heart of women. 

8. Be unpredictable 

When you’re spontaneous, you increase the excitement. Don’t stick to the traditional night time for sex. Change things a little and trigger her interest. 

You could bump into her while making lunch and grab her from behind, pull her from the sitting room to the balcony or even invite her to a location for an emergency. 

She wouldn’t predict your moves and she would be looking forward to them.

9. Stay attractive

We know she loves you but you have to give her reasons to be excited when she sees your body. Hit the gym, stay healthy and keep a fit body. 

Having such a masculine figure in her space is a turn-on on its own. Staying fit would make love desirable.

10. Smell nice 

When you’re close to a woman, the first thing she’d notice is your smell. Leverage this information and score more points.

Before meeting her, take your bath and put on a fragrant cologne. So that your smell would feel her nose and she would be thinking about a lot of things. 

You must be in her head to make her a horny wife and your smell is the best tool.

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11. Cuddling 

Cuddling is another effective strategy to trigger your wife’s sexual desires. When she leans into your huge arms, she feels your warmth, protection, love and respect. 

Let her feel wanted and you’re zero step away from getting her in the mood.

12. Compliment her

Women love to be pampered and adored. Let her know how beautiful she is. Appreciate her soft palm, recognize her new dress, let her know she’s got a hot shape. 

These kind words are strong enough to melt the heart of any woman.

Bottom Line 

Before you proceed to get your wife in the mood, ensure you have put in place her worries. Your wife not being in the mood is a sign there are unattended issues.

Put her worries to rest. Go through the article and utilize these proven tips. Making your wife horny would be very easy if she’s interested and attracted to you. 

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