What He Thinks After You Sleep With Him: 10 Surefire Things On His Mind

Almost every woman has this natural curiosity to unravel the thoughts of the man after sex. They imagine a lot of things and try to predict the thoughts of their partner after intimacy.

Sometimes, women casually throw in questions to get the man talking. Or engage him in a sexy cuddling to enable her to start off a long communication.

From thinking about if he enjoyed the moment or if he didn’t find you attractive to imagining if he’s not really into you; your mind as woman keeps wandering, trying to place the exact thoughts of your partner after intimacy.

What he thinks after you sleep with him should bother you. You have to gauge his thoughts to enable you to adjust where necessary. Some women who have very expressive partners do not struggle much to find out what a guy thinks after sex. 

However, someone whose partners are somewhat introverted, find it difficult to understand the thoughts of their men after sex. With this article, what he thinks after you sleep with him would be unraveled and give women insight on the possible thoughts of their partners after intercourse.

What he thinks after you sleep with him: 10 major thoughts of men after sex 

After the moments of intimacy, your man may act indifferently or still show his excitement. It all depends on his mood and his experience about the deed. You may not exactly guess what he thinks after you sleep with him unless he decides to open up. 

But oftentimes, men are reluctant to genuinely discuss their experience with the partner. And if they eventually do, they conceal a lot. However, if your partner is so uptight and figures out what he thinks about the sex with you, here are 10 major thoughts of men after intimacy.

1. Should I cuddle her?

After sex, your partner may find it really confusing on whether to cuddle you or just maintain his space. He might be thinking you may not be comfortable with post-sex cuddling because a lot of people prefer sleeping to cuddling.

If you need post-sex cuddling, give your man the green light and save him from minutes of intense contemplation.

2. That was indeed a good one 

What he thinks after you sleep with him? The amazing experience he just had is one. When your man keeps so calm, looks at you with tenderness and reaches out to caress any available part of your body, just know that you’ve done a wonderful job.

He is certainly reminiscing on the wonderful intimacy you just had and maybe thinking about going for another round. 

Read also: How To Seduce A Man: 10 Surefire Steps To Get Him Hooked 

3. Hope she enjoyed it also?

If your man did not satisfy your cravings or he finished so quickly, just know he’d wonder if you also enjoyed the sex. He is concerned about satisfaction and his performance. 

And if you notice he didn’t perform so wonderfully, just reach out to him and let him know he did well. This is very necessary for his self esteem. Reassure him of your commitment and willingness to find solutions together.

4. Can we shower together?

Your man may not be comfortable with leaving you alone on the bed and going for a shower. He may think he needs to hold you a little after the intimacy before moving to the bathroom.

However, it could be so discomforting to remain on the bed after a sweaty and steamy intercourse. 

If he’s not thinking whether to hit the shower, he’s probably thinking if you two can shower together. If he’s not really comfortable, he may find it difficult to make the request. But these would likely occupy his mind after having sex with you.

5. Did I make her reach orgasm?

Every man derives joy in seeing their significant others experience orgasm. It is a confirmation of the man’s sexual prowess and a boost for his ego in the inner room. 

It is obvious that your man would have his mind preoccupied with thoughts of your orgasm. He’d imagine if you actually reached orgasm or you faked it just to make him feel good.

Read also: Sexy Cuddling: How To Cuddle Your Girl In A Way She Won’t Forget

6. Would she demand for commitment?

What he thinks after you sleep with him is also if you want his commitment. This thought scares guys a lot, especially those who think they are yet unfit for commitment. 

They panic a lot because they believe since you’ve had sex with them, it is natural for you to demand for increased commitment and attention. And just after the sex, they begin to plot their escape route. 

This is why it is advised to vet men properly before making a choice. You have to be assured of their commitment before getting intimate with them.

7. She’s comparing me to someone else

Nothing scares guys a lot like comparing them to other guys. After the intimacy, if they notice your quiet demeanor, they will start imagining the kind of comparison you’re running in your head. 

8. When next will you share such moment again

Provided he had an amazing time with you, it is just a matter of minutes before he starts planning for next time together. For men, sex is mostly about fun and enjoyment. They see it as they see their passionate hobby, provided the sex is good.

However, if you carry yourself with respect and they see how valuable you are, they would think beyond mere sex and start planning for something bigger.

9. They wonder about safe sex 

If they’re not sure of their health status or they don’t want to share the future with you, they spend quite a while thinking about how safe the sex was. 

They check your menstrual cycle and see if you’re fertile within that period. They casually ask you when you last had your period. In their mind, they begin to evaluate their withdrawal game if they don’t use protection. 

A lot of thoughts would be going through their mind and they might even spend an entire week researching ovulation, ejaculation and pregnancy.

Read also: Sexy Cuddling: How To Cuddle Your Girl In A Way She Won’t Forget

10. He’s actually congratulating himself

While you’re quizzing yourself for being so cheap by allowing sex with him so easily, he’s busy celebrating himself for landing his spec. 

Bottom Line 

As a woman you panic a lot about the thoughts of your man. From the moment he approached you to the moment you slept with him, you judge yourself all through. You think you’re being cheap. Maybe he’s taking advantage of your kindness? Does he really love you? Yes, he’s just after my body?

You just can’t stop panicking about what he thinks after you sleep with him. It is just in your mind and you can only help yourself feel better by discarding the negative thoughts.

It is natural for men to have opinions about sex with you but that’s just their perception and not who you are. Just loosen yourself and enjoy the moment. Sex is meant to be fun and enjoyed, but you lose out on the moment with your overthinking. 

Just know whatever you’re thinking your man is thinking would not change anything. Raise your head up and enjoy every bit of the moment.

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