10 Undeniable Signs He Is Pretending Not To Like You

There’s this guy who’s always hanging around you but never utters a word. You see him often within your space. On many occasions you’ve caught him staring at you but he quickly looks away, avoiding eye contact. 

This is more than a coincidence. Someone is actually in love with you but pretending not to love you. You observe them a little more but never make any attempt to approach you. 

You may wonder if you’re actually the one who’s overthinking the whole thing. Or your emotions are somehow playing games with you. You may even think you’re being so loose and giving so much attention to some random guy. Because why would someone love you and still pretend not to love you? 

It might sound awkward but they’re suppressing the feeling because they might be scared of rejection or they’re having low self-esteem. It is advised that if you notice signs he is pretending not to like you, you have to observe closely and note these signs.

Signs he is pretending not to like you

10 Unmistakable signs he is pretending not to like you 

Oftentimes, words can be deceitful and untrustworthy unlike actions. It is advised to look at someone’s actions and not appearance or words, if you want to make a good judgment.

If someone is pretending not to like you, look at their actions closely, no matter how much they try to conceal it, their intentions and true feelings must subtly surface. 

And if you’re having a hard time figuring out these signs he is pretending not to like you, you have to look through our list and use it as a guide to identify the telltale signs he is pretending not to like you.

1. He remembers little details 

Despite appearing inattentive or distracted when he’s around you, he still manages to remember the little important things about you.

Your birthday, your favorite movie, your best childhood memory among others, are little things that he keeps track of despite not showing interest during your discussions.

It takes another level of attentiveness and concentration to keep track of this information and this is actually too much to do with someone you claim not to like.

If he remembers little things about you while feigning nonchalance, then it is obvious he’s really into you but just pretending.

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2. He’s always jealous 

If you’re searching for signs he is pretending not to like you, watch out for his reaction when other guys come close to you. If he acts uncomfortable and becomes more possessive, then he’s only pretending not to like you.

It is a natural tendency for men to act possessive, protective and show jealousy when their woman is in the midst of the guys.

3. He shows interest in your relationship life 

When he’s pretending not to like you, he shows this unusual interest in your relationship life. He uses every opportunity to find out your relationship status and your spec for your ideal man. 

These are not random questions; he’s being intentional and wants to find out his standing in the scheme of things. Such interest and personal questions are used to gauge his chances if he eventually asks you out. 

4. He behaves differently when you two are alone

Signs he is pretending not to like you? Observe how he behaves when you’re alone with him. He’d get more comfortable, relaxed, expressive and attentive; unlike when you’re in public. 

Such change is an indicator that he’s really into you but not just comfortable with showing his true feelings in the public. Maybe, because he’s not certain of your reaction or doesn’t want to be judged wrongly by the public.

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5. Social media engagements

When you’re trying to uncover signs he is pretending not to like you, go to your socials and study his interactions and engagements. In this modernized dating era, social media is the go-to place of any crush. 

They start by following you on all socials, likes your posts and views almost all your updates.

This interaction with your socials is a sign he’s keeping track of your social life and trying to get himself familiarized while waiting for the right time to take a bolder step.

6. He’s keen on your interests 

Another one in the signs he is pretending not to like you is his curiosity about your interests, career, plans and aspirations. This part of your life is very essential and only those who genuinely care about you would possibly enquire about them.

If he is unusually keen to find out what’s going on with your life, then he might just be pretending not to like you. 

7. He pays attention to your moods 

Being someone who is very sensitive to your moods requires a different level of care. If he can decipher when you’re angry, when you want to be alone or when you’re down emotionally; and makes attempts to brighten up your day, it shows that he is genuinely interested in you. 

But despite his efforts and kind gestures, he still tries to lump them up as casual care because he’s pretending not to like you. He doesn’t want to let his guard down for reasons best known to him.

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8. Subtle compliments

Signs he is pretending not to like you? Pay close attention to his compliments. If his compliments are thoughtful, like praising your presentation, your sense of humor, your hidden talent, it shows he has made efforts to know you and not just your appearance.

These subtle compliments are indicators that he truly likes you but just pretending not to like you.

9. He is always in your space 

You saw him at a certain event, he was also around during your recent visit to the cinema, you met him also when you visited the coffee stand and you saw him during your hiking. Relax, this is beyond coincidence, someone is trying hard to be within your sight.

Such a pattern of coincidentally being around you is an undeniable sign he is just pretending to dislike you.

10. The eagerness to offer help 

Besides, what is love without sacrifices? Nothing. When he is making strategic attempts to always assist you or come up when you’re in need, then he’s probably crushing on you.

The eagerness to always help you, render some services and lift some burden off your shoulders under lines of deep affection which he may not like to disclose.

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Bottom Line 

When you ponder on the signs he is pretending not to like you, picture how often you have thought about them. Do you notice any connection or feelings no matter how little?

Understanding these signs would assist you to see through them and uncover their intentions, see a pattern if there’s any and possibly set hidden baits for them. 

If these signs persist and even become more pronounced, then there’s a high probability that someone is really crushing on you. What would you do at this moment?

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