10 Ways To Impress Your Crush And Make Her Fall For You 

It is another thing to develop feelings for your crush and it is another different thing entirely to express these feelings. Showing your feelings for your new crush starts with impressing her and getting her attention.

This stage is very important as it is the point where you make your mark or mar the entire process. Because the primary aim of impressing your crush is to get into her head and have her pick up interest in you.

You have to start the process by being so sure of yourself and not in any way intimidated by their appearance. Be fun and engage them in smart conversations when the need arises. 

Impressing your crush is not a rocket science provided you are ready to put in the effort and maintain the energy. Here are a few ideas on how to impress your crush.

How to impress your crush

10 tips on how to impress your crush 

We understand the difficult situation of having a crush on someone who does not notice your existence. It might feel impossible to get yourself in the picture and turn things around but in reality, it is very possible. You just have to follow these tips on how to impress your crush.

1. Remain yourself

This is where most people get it wrong while trying to impress their crush. Because of their low self-esteem and in a bid to match up with the appearance of their crush, some guys engage in fake life to boost their ego and appearance. 

This fake life may be productive in the meantime but in the long run, everything built on this false foundation would fall like a pack of cards.

Thinking of how to impress your crush, be yourself in the process. Don’t try to be someone else; let your crush know from the onset who she will be dealing with. It is better to present your true personality and allow your crush to love you for who you are.

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2. Be thoughtful with your romantic gestures

Romantic gestures are ingredients to spice up relationships. They can also be implored during your “situationship” with your crush. Special occasions like anniversaries matter a lot to her and it would be a great opportunity to register your interest. 

Get her special gifts according to her cravings or desires. It is advised to give something useful so it couldn’t be forgotten in a hurry. 

3. Respect them

Though she is not yet your girlfriend, you still have to treat her with utmost respect and kindness if you want her to become one. Show her kindness and respect in your discussions with her. Let her know she’s valued and loved. Showing her respect is a proactive means to announce yourself as a gentleman.

4. Look good

The first impression starts with your appearance because she can easily form an opinion about you from your appearance. These early opinions are often very difficult to change and that’s why you must start on a good note. 

On how to impress your crush, look good. Remember, looking good doesn’t start at and end with dressing well; it entails keeping a neat haircut, well shaved beards, well trimmed nails and white set of teeth. 

You must prioritize your physical appearance and appear very fit, attractive and cute. 

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5. Smell nice

After noticing your appearance, your perfume would be next. Make sure you smell nice always and apply fragrant cologne frequently. Feel her in with your good smell and she will think about you throughout the night.

She would be very comfortable staying close to you because of the good smell and that would make the process a lot easier for you.

6. Work on your sense of humor

You must not be a comedian to crack her up, simple observations and comments can do the magic. Just do your best to always put a smile on her face because girls always have a soft spot for funny guys. 

7. Show interest in what they do 

How to impress your crush hinges on your interest in her affairs. When you have the opportunity to converse with her, make the conversation about her. Ask very personal and meaningful questions; questions that would make her think. 

Find out what’s going on in her life and offer to help in any way you can. Ask about her hobbies, her dreams and career plans. These are questions that have a lot to do with the future and it is right to put yourself into the picture.

8. Remain confident

She’s just another girl, nothing more. Don’t be scared by your thoughts, you have nothing to lose. Remain confident and have ego in check. 

Women are naturally attracted to confident men because of their discerning qualities. Believe in yourself, spread your body and speak gently. 

9. Help her

Let your crush know she can always rely on you and you would not let her down. This assurance starts with your little support in the beginning. Seize every opportunity to help her and give her listening ears. Being supportive is just how to impress your crush.

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10. Seek for her opinion

Seeking for her opinions on your personal issues is key to getting her interested in you. Let them sort out your bucket list, ask them for movie ideas, let them advise you on how to spend your vacation. 

Asking for your crush’s advice makes her feel needed and valued. She’d be comfortable around you because she has found herself useful.

Take away

How to impress your crush is not far fetched from just being a simple gentleman. It is a combination of being confident, respectful, thoughtful, kind, supportive, and having a good sense of humor.

Remain yourself and never try to fake things; she’ll be attracted to your real self and love you for who you are.

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