How To Fall Out Of Love With Someone? 5 Proven Strategies

Love is a beautiful and magical feeling, which is sometimes indescribable. When you’re in love with someone, you can feel the butterflies in your stomach and hear the birds singing for you. This is a feeling you wish it could last forever.

But unfortunately, human beings are complex and very dynamic. The qualities and attributes that made you fall in love may be just illusions or begin to fade away with time. With the complex nature of human beings, this magical feeling that comes with falling in love is not always permanent.

You’d even reach a stage when you’d begin to search for ways to fall out of love. There are a couple of reasons why this magical feeling may change with time. Maybe you were emotionally or physically abused or the commitment you saw in the beginning is no longer there.

Falling out of love is a gradual process because of the time needed for you to forget the relationship and come to terms with reality.

How to fall out of love

Can You Fall Out Of Love?

Yes. It is very possible to fall out of love. It is just a function of time. Every relationship is not meant to be; there are situations where you have to take a break or permanently leave the relationship, to at least save yourself the emotional or psychological trauma.

When you discover that your relationship is not meant to be, falling out of love is inevitable. 

How to fall out of love? You will need to come to terms with circumstances and realize there is a future ahead of you. With this, you can start the process of falling out of love.

Read also: How To Know When A Relationship Is Over – Surefire Signs

How Long Does It Take To Completely Fall Out Of Love?

It is very difficult to completely fall in love, especially if your relationship was a happy and healthy one. However, falling completely out of love is very possible and the time required varies. But research has shown that, on average, people need about 3-12 months to completely fall out of love.

Why Is It Hard To Fall Out Of Love?

It is hard to fall out of love because of the emotional attachment and memories shared when you were in love. No matter how much you try, you’d come across a reason or two to remember your former significant order.

The date nights, visits to the beach, anniversaries, and some videos and pictures taken together; makes it utterly hard to fall out of love.

5 Surefire Strategies On How To Fall Out Of Love

A relationship might become toxic or abusive, the issue of infidelity may become persistent in your relationship, lack of commitment may become unbearable, there may be diminished intimacy and issues of trust and others, are major reasons why you may need to fall out of love. 

Once you’re convinced that the relationship is not going anywhere and the major reasons why you entered into the relationship are no more; falling out of love would be inevitable. It is a process and we’ve come up with surefire ideas on how to fall out of love.

1. Acknowledge the circumstances and be honest to yourself

To make your falling out of love easier, you have to acknowledge concrete reasons why the relationship is no more comfortable for you. Be honest and ponder over everything. 

Look out for circumstances that undermine your relevance. The emotional or physical abuse, the lack of intimacy, diminished show of affection and care, among others are the major reasons you should hold on to. 

Acknowledging these reasons and situations would enable you to manage your feelings and control your emotions when they sneak in later.

2. Reflect on the relationship

Take your time and reflect on the relationship. Take back the hands of time and go through the early stages. Remember how you met and those early promises made by your potential former significant other.

Think about the impact the relationship had made in your life and the sacrifices you’ve made to keep the relationship afloat. Reflect on the lessons taken and memories shared. This process of how to fall out of love would enable you to accept with good faith, the end of the relationship.

Accept positive things about the relationship. You may not have to discard everything if the relationship was a healthy one. Take some important things and keep them for yourself. This would enable you to avoid living in denial.

Read also: What Happens When You Get Caught Cheating?

3. Speak to someone

You don’t have to keep everything to yourself; share your thoughts with some people. At this moment of how to fall out of love, you have to prioritize other relationships. 

Talk with your friends and family members. Most of them have been there before and can understand your feelings. 

Their experiences would come handy and their soothing words would facilitate the healing process. 

4. Focus on the future and start exploring

There’s another beautiful life outside your relationship. When you were in there, it felt like everything revolved around the relationship. You had to see life from an entirely different and weird perspective.

However, this is the time to come off your illusion and face reality. You need to start seeing the future as a pack of goodies. There are a lot of better options and many things to learn.

Start exploring. Pick up your hobbies and get busy. Start meeting new friends. As you’re making these attempts, try as much as possible to keep your former partner outside the picture. Stay away from mutual friends and avoid them on social media.

5. Seek the counseling of a therapist

Talking to a therapist is a necessary step on how to fall out of love. Get the services of a therapist and narrate your ordeals to them. Their wealth of experience would be enough to help you pick yourself up and move on. 

Bottom line

It is not easy falling out of love with someone we once shared a future with, someone you thought would be there for you. However, change is inevitable and when it comes calling, we have to make adjustments and move on.

If you searched and couldn’t find enough reason to try salvaging the relationship, you can then start the process of falling out of love. It takes time to fall out of love and you have to be gentle with yourself to avoid harming yourself.

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