How To Forget Your Ex And Stop Thinking About Them

Did you just break up with your significant other? Or did they call it quits with you? Has it been long since you had the breakup but you haven’t moved on already? Are you having difficulties moving on with your life after the breakup? If any of these questions rings a bell, just go through our “how to forget your ex” and you’d bounce back to your normal life once again.

Truthfully, relationship breakup could be heart wrenching and emotionally demoralizing but that is not the end of life.

There are still a lot of possibilities out there waiting to be explored. You can only discover a new phase of life if you genuinely decide to move over the heartbreak and the breakup. 

How to forget your ex is very difficult, especially if you had a long and committed relationship with them. Their memories would continue to reappear, forcing you back to the past.

However, for the sake of your mental health, it is advised to move on as quickly as possible. Therefore, if you’re having difficulties moving over your failed relationship, here are 13 ways to forget your ex.

How to forget your ex

How To Forget Your Ex? 13 Telltale Ways

1. Embrace the new reality

The new reality is that your relationship has hit the wall. You’re no longer together with your girlfriend or your boyfriend. There’s nothing like “us” anymore but “me.” Accept the truth that they really left you. If possible, grieve over it but don’t make the mistake of trying to live in denial. Don’t think they would come back again because they would unlikely do so. Accept the truth and open up your mind for the future.

2. Put the past behind

The past should be in the past. Don’t allow the memories of the past relationship hinder your thought process. Clear your mind and get rid of any memory from your failed relationship. If you find yourself thinking about them, you can divert your attention to something else that would occupy your thoughts. Just be conscious of whatever you’re thinking to prevent the memories of the past relationship from creeping in.

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3. Remember their weaknesses

Moving on would be difficult if you only remember the strengths and good qualities of your former partner. Think about their bad attitudes, all negative things about them. Remember the numerous times they yelled at you over minor issues. Think about the arguments and the fights. Remember how they prevented you from working through a promotion. These would enable you to identify more reasons to move on.

4. How to forget your ex? Put aside everything that reminds of them

Objects are thought-provoking. They are capable of taking you down the memory lane. When you just had a breakup, figure out things or objects that may remind you of your ex. It could be their favorite CD, best novel, bangles or your clothes they fondly wear. Gather these objects together and put them aside. This would enable you to compartmentalize all of your feelings for them. 

5. Destroy every communication channel

How to forget your ex? Cut contact with them. Destroy every communication channel that brings both of you together. You’re trying to move on and nothing should stop you. Block their contacts, delete them from all social media handles. Cut off their friends and suspend every activity you enjoyed together. 

Though, you can be friends with an ex but that would come in later when you have fully recovered from the brunt of the failed relationship. Having access to information about them would only remind you of what happened in the past and that shouldn’t be necessary now.

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6. Discuss it with friends or family

How to forget your ex? Don’t bottle up everything in your mind. Talk about what happened with other people. Some may provide you with a shoulder to cry on while you may learn a thing or two from their advice. Go out there, have dinner and release everything from your system. Talk with people about the good times and the bad. This would be an effective means to move over the feelings.

7. Start socializing

Your failed relationship is not the only relationship you’re going to have. There are still a lot better options out there. But you just have to start meeting new people. Socialise actively and expand your circle of friends. Meet friends of your friends and exchange ideas. Learn new skills and take different classes. These are activities that would set you up for a healthy recovery from the breakup.

8. You can start flirting with new people

You wouldn’t need to shut off yourself from intimate relationships because of your ugly experience with an ex. There are a lot of things to benefit from intimate relationships.

Restricting yourself from flirting with new people when your ex has already moved on is not healthy. Flirt with new people. Get back into the dating pool and start afresh. Give attention to that crush that has been making advances while you were still in the former relationship.

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9. Start going out on dates

Pick up someone you already have genuine feelings for and fix a date with them. Go on as many dates as possible. Explore the dating pool and reminisce on the freedom you’ve missed dearly.

10. Start a new relationship

Having had another taste of the dating pool, it is now time to start building a new relationship. Look beyond their weaknesses and explore their strengths. Check the boxes that put them ahead of your ex. But, don’t make the mistake of comparing them to your former partner. Behold their uniqueness and you can genuinely start something fresh and healthy with them.

11. How to forget your ex? Try new hobbies

Your old hobbies would inadvertently remind you of your ex. You have to move to new hobbies and enjoy the adventure. It could be skydiving, keeping a different pet, swimming, biking or taking a hike. Gradually, your new hobbies would replace the old ones and eventually erase every memory of your ex.


How can I forget about my ex I still love?

To forget about your ex, you have to stop loving them. This doesn’t mean you should replace love with hatred but it means you have to put them in the past and move on. Clear your mind and erase every memory of them. Start meeting new people and flirt with new people. Date again and then, start a fresh relationship. Everything lies in your readiness to come in terms with reality.

How long does it take to forget an ex?

There’s no specific duration to forget an ex. It depends heavily on how long the relationship was and how committed you were to the relationship. But on average, it takes 3 to 6 months to forget an ex.

Do you fully forget an ex?

You can fully forget someone you had a relationship with unless you have been diagnosed with amnesia. It is not possible to completely erase them from your mind as things like their names, how you met, how it ended would always pop up. What you can do is to crush the feelings and move on with your life.

Does love for an ex go away?

Yes. Love for an ex does go away. It is gradually replaced with your interest in new activities and your love for your new significant other. It might be difficult to get over an ex but it is very possible.


How to forget your ex is not easy, especially when you had a great and long relationship with them. However, it is important to quickly move on to avoid jeopardizing your peace of mind. 

If you’re having difficulties moving on after a breakup, you contact a relationship therapist for direction and guidance.

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