How To Be Nice: 10 Ways To Be A Nice Person

Are you wondering how to be a nice person? Do you feel angry most of the time? Are people complaining frequently about your person? Do you feel people are not comfortable staying with you? 

If you have these questions in mind, there are chances you’re not a nice person and you need to work on it. There are a lot of things you could gain by being nice. It will make people feel comfortable around you and set you up for good and meaningful relationships.

Being a nice person makes it easier for you to get what you want because people would trust you easily and you’ll get the benefit of doubt in almost every instance. 

There are uncountable reasons why you should be a nice person and you’re probably wondering how to be nice. Don’t bother much. In this article, we have identified 10 surefire tips on how to be nice.

How to be nice

How To Be Nice: 10 Surefire Tips To Be A Nice Person 

Remember, being nice does not imply you would relegate your interests to accommodate that of others. Being nice starts with yourself. You can’t be nice to someone else without being nice to yourself. Let’s get you started on how to be nice.

1. Be a good listener

People are easily attracted to good listeners. If you’re a good listener, people would be comfortable being around you. How to be nice starts with being a good listener.

It is not nice to ignore people’s opinions and narrations. Let them speak and give them listening ears. Even if someone is sounding rude or impolite, don’t shush them. Give them time to finish with their views and switch up the topic.

You can as well excuse yourself politely if you’re not comfortable discussing with a stranger.

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2. Show empathy

Empathy is the tendency to put yourself in another person’s shoes. You try to imagine what someone is going through and how they’re feeling about an incident. 

We’re not empaths by nature, but you can become one if you work on it. Putting yourself in other people’s shoes does not imply you’ll carry their crosses. Rather, it will turn you into a more caring, kind and thoughtful person. And this is the ultimate answer on how to be nice.

How do you feel when you’re discriminated against? That is the same another person would feel when you discriminate against them. Remain equally nice to people and treat them the same way you would like to be treated.

3. Do not back bite 

Calling people out is necessary but it should be done before them. Speaking bad about someone behind their back is back biting. 

You won’t be respected for talking about someone behind them. The people you’re telling about the person would become wary of you and consider you untrustworthy. 

If you have any problem or you’re somewhat unhappy with someone’s actions, the best thing to do is to meet them straight up and talk about it. This is how to be nice.

Selfless love

4. Smile often and remain optimistic 

A smiling face radiates positive energy. Even if you’re going through a lot, be positive and wear a smiling face. Smiling often would make you approachable and people would see you as a confident person.

How to be nice? Smile often when you meet people. When you’re with the shop cashier, smile. If you’re at the restaurant, smile at the waitress. 

5. Remain humble

Do you have the habit of looking down on others? That’s not nice and won’t make you a good person. Just because someone is going through a hard time, does not make you better than the person.

We’re all equal and we should treat one another with respect and dignity. You don’t have to tell them how great you are, allow them to find out in their own way.

Boasting about your achievements would make those around you feel less valuable and such a boastful attitude breeds envy and jealousy.

Don’t brag. If you have completed a tedious task, it is something to be happy about; but don’t take the praise alone, acknowledge the efforts of your team members and make them share in the glory.

How to be nice? You must not use appearance to judge people; appearance could be deceptive. Remember, first impressions do not unmask the man behind the mask. Time and more time will do.

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6. Be helpful

Is there a way to be nice without being helpful? I don’t think it is possible. Offer to help people, not just your immediate relatives but distant friends and strangers. You may not be rewarded now, but in the long run your acts of kindness would pay off.

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Learn to help people without being compelled to do so. Figure out when someone is in distress and come through for them.

7. Be a trustworthy person

The benefits of being trustworthy can never be underestimated. It is part of being nice. Being trustworthy is a way of making things quite easier for your spouse, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

Your word should be your bond. If you can’t fulfill it, don’t promise it. Let people see you as reliable and someone to confide in.

If you’re not going to keep your part of the deal, don’t bother entering the deal. How to be nice? Commit to your relationships and friendships.

8. Learn to forgive easily 

Forgiveness is the tonic for heartbreak. If people have offended you, it would be in your best interest to give but draw your boundaries. If they have asked for forgiveness, forgive them and loosen up yourself from the burden of bearing grudges. 

Forgiving them doesn’t mean you have to trust them again, it is about preventing anger and jealousy from controlling your thoughts. 

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9. Acknowledge others

How to be nice entails acknowledging others and giving sincere compliments. When you meet someone or walk past a stranger, you can acknowledge them with a simple “Hi”, “good day”, or “Hello.”

It is also necessary to compliment people. Try as much as possible to observe something unique about them that is worthy of a compliment. It could be a simple “Nice haircut”, “You smell great”, “Your gown fits you perfectly.” 

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These little but mighty compliments make people feel good about themselves and it does boost self esteem. People you acknowledge or compliment often would always crave your presence.

10. Be polite

Arrogance would not take you anywhere, it would instead put obstacles on your way. You need politeness to succeed in society, it is a guard for your reputation. 

Be caring, considerate and patient. Don’t try to outsmart others. The outcome of being labeled arrogant would be disastrous. 

Figure out when others are in need and offer help. Go out of your way to make others comfortable. When a pregnant lady or the elderly enters the room, politely offer them your seat. 

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Bottom Line 

How to be nice is not difficult if you’re ready to change yourself. Work on your relationship with other people and put others in your shoes before you make decisions. 

You have to be polite, sincere, trustworthy, reliable, helpful and respectful. Other people would feel very comfortable around you and would be eager to share in your positive energy. 

Smiling can also make you a nice person. Besides, who likes a mean person? No one.

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