15 Non Negotiables In Relationship You Should Know

It is not easy to keep romantic relationships, when you have not figured out your priorities in the relationship. Non negotiables are like a road map to assist you in getting your priorities right in any romantic affair.

They are attributes and priorities that you must work with for the relationship to remain healthy and beneficial to all parties. 

We understand that there might be circumstances where you might consider throwing these non negotiables in relationships under the bus, for trivial reasons.

But in the long run, you’d understand that the stress isn’t just worth it and non negotiables are not things you can easily push aside.

Non negotiables in a relationship are a couple of rules or principles that you must apply for the interest of your romantic partnership, with emphasis on the needs of your significant other. 

Horny wife

15 non negotiables in a relationship you should know 

Having understood what non negotiables are, you might be wondering how to identify these non negotiables. This is why we’ve put up this handy article. 

1. You feel respected and loved by your partner

The core benefit of romantic relationships is its contribution in building one’s self-esteem. You feel a lot better when you are confident that you’re truly loved and respected by your significant other. 

Irrespective of your beauty, elegance and your impeccable career; you subtly crave for the genuine love and respect from your partner because it makes you feel better and appreciated.

Aside from your physical appearance, your opinions and ideas should also be appreciated by your partner. These love, respect and appreciation from your significant other are non negotiables in a relationship.

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2. You make little sacrifices for each other

What is love without sacrifices? There are little things that matter a lot in a relationship. It could be adding romantic notes to your partner’s lunch box, or getting them a surprise gift. 

These little nice things can easily get your partner happy and emotional. Because little sacrifices in the relationship are indicators of commitment and shouldn’t be ignored.

3. You share responsibilities

The success of any romantic partnership is largely hinged on understanding. When you understand that there are no gender-definite roles in how to run the home, you’re a step closer to making your relationship work. 

You understand that no particular role is tied to the woman and no particular role is tied to the man, and you two work together to maintain and run the home. This understanding is very necessary and also among non negotiables in a relationship.

4. You break good news first to your partner

When you’re in a relationship, your significant other automatically becomes your closest and most reliable ally. Your partner should be the first person you think of when something good happens to you.

They’re not just there to console when you’re down, they should also be your go-to person when the chips are up.

5. You love each other genuinely

There should be no other alternative, no escape route and no comparison. This is the only partner you have and the only one you should love deeply.

You know you’re with the right person and you’re making the best decision spending the rest of your life together. This conviction is also part of the non negotiables in a relationship.

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6. You love your partner unconditionally 

This unconditional love for your partner implies you love them in season and out of season. There’s no manual or recipe for loving them. As they grow together, there will be changes in their appearance and other transformations, and you should love and cherish these changes. 

You have shared a lot together and have been through a lot together. It is only natural that every change in your partner should be appreciated as the relationship has grown stronger.

7. You respect your families

Non negotiables in a relationship is incomplete without acknowledging mutual respect for each other’s families. You can’t be in love with someone and disregard the family. When you’re loving, you also love her people. 

Ignoring or disrespecting your in-laws is an insult to your partner. You don’t have to put them in that awkward situation. 

8. You plan the future together 

When you have committed to someone, it is just natural that you plan for the future together. Don’t make serious decisions without seeking the opinion of your partner.

Put them in the picture and carry them along. Because keeping your partner in the dark has cheating undertones. 

9. There’s zero room for abusive behavior

In a relationship, there’s zero tolerance for any form of abuse either emotional, physical or financial. If you love your partner, you would never consider any form of abuse no matter how bad the circumstance.

There are other ways to check each other’s excesses in the relationship but abuse is certainly not one of those ways.

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10. Healthy communication 

It is said that frequent and healthy communication is integral for the success of a romantic relationship. If you want your relationship with your significant other to wax stronger, you have to communicate frequently and regularly. 

Don’t make the discussions with your partner boring and easily predictable; be creative and dynamic in your communication with your partner.

Let them know about the fantastic movie you saw recently, what you love about the protagonist and why you don’t like the storyline. Discuss your childhood experiences. Feel them in with the day’s events at work.

These are viable conversation starters to spice up your communication with your significant other.

11. You have each other’s back

As a spouse, you should be the greatest fan of your significant other. Their success is your success and you should be concerned about their challenges as well. You may have varying interests and careers but you also have to encourage your partner to attain greater heights.

12. You form your own special language

When you’re in a healthy relationship for a long time, you and your partner subconsciously build a communication pattern or language that is only understandable to you two. It could be invented words, idioms, signals only you and your partner understands. 

13. You admire your significant other 

One of the non negotiables in a relationship is genuine admiration for your partner. You are very proud of them and respect their choices. Your significant other makes you feel better and more confident in yourself.

You admire your partner’s looks, physique, dressing, career, opinions, among others, both in private and in public.

14. You trust your partner

There’s no relationship without trust. In fact, trust is an essential quality of a healthy relationship. If you can’t trust someone, then there’s no need to be in a romantic partnership with them.

Challenges would come and this unwavering trust is the only thing that would enable you to give them the benefit of doubt. 

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15. You are your partner’s ally

Being your partner’s best friend is the primary target of every romantic relationship. They say friendship transcends relationships.

There’s no other relationship than the one where your partner is also your friend. You share everything together and have almost the same hobbies. 

Bottom Line 

Non negotiables in a relationship should not be negotiated. They are basic principles or priorities you must abide by. You should instead check your own romantic arrangement and figure out other non negotiables that should be included on the list.

Discuss them with your partner and make sure she’s comfortable with them. Perhaps, they might have other things to add to the list. Listen to them and confirm their understanding. 

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