What Happens When You Get Caught Cheating?

Caught cheating

Cheating is a very sensitive issue in relationships and marriages, it could mar the trust that has been built over time. This is why partners who indulge in cheating, do it with utmost secrecy and carefulness. Attempts have been made consistently by cheating partners to justify their actions, but such claims and gaslighting have not … Read more

Why Can’t I Find Love? Sure Reasons Why You’re Single

Why Can't I Find Love?

Love is a beautiful and magical feeling which everyone craves for. It is special that it elevates the self-esteem of everyone involved, through its caring and compassionate nature. Almost everyone desires and wishes for that special moment in their lives when they would be unconditionally loved and cherished by others. This feeling of smitten with … Read more

Things Covert Narcissists Say – 24 Phrases And Their Meaning

Things Covert Narcissists Say

What is Covert Narcissism? Covert narcissism is a form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). It has the basic signs and traits of narcissism – lack of empathy, Self-centredness, inflated sense of self-importance. Generally, covert narcissists are vulnerable and largely introverts. This is the major difference between them and overt narcissists. According to research, covert narcissists … Read more

Do Narcissists Cry?

Do Narcissists Cry?

Yes. Absolutely! Narcissists do cry. The only concern is the intention. Whether it is coming from a place of empathy and sympathy or it is just another tool for manipulation. Oftentimes, the latter is the case – the cry of a narcissist is just another measure to checkmate and manipulate the feelings of their victim. … Read more

Signs Of Negative Energy In A Person

11 Signs Of Negative Energy In A Person

Have you ever wondered why you will feel demotivated when you’re around someone – but feel highly motivated when around another person? You feel the aura of optimism around some people. But you’re dazed by the aura of pessimism around others. These are energies that emanate from people. Such energies are emitted as a result … Read more

11 Qualities Of A Boyfriend Material

Qualities of a boyfriend material

Qualities Of A Boyfriend Material It is very challenging to figure out exactly what ladies want in a man. For some people, it is money. For some others, it is a reputable job. While others believe it is a promising career. Ironically, over time, ladies have continued to turn down men with a good combination … Read more

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back: 10 Strategies

How to get your ex girlfriend back

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Research has shown that most guys are always interested in getting back to their ex girlfriends. Guys find it very difficult to break off from the emotional attachment with their ex girlfriends. They try as much as possible to explore means that’d bring them close to their ex … Read more