30 Best Ghosting Responses They Wouldn’t Forget In A Hurry

To be ghosted by someone is quite a horrible experience. You’re just left hanging in the air without any ping back or text whatsoever. The experience could be traumatic if you were trying to build up something with them. But that is it.

They may not find you compatible with their ideals and there are better options to explore, hence, they leave you alone in the dating pool. Maybe, it was some kind of flings or situationships which you thought may develop into something more serious. But they’re of contrary opinions.

Some people may have the courtesy to inform you duly so you take your search to somewhere else, while others may lack the courage or respect to inform and instead neglect you in your efforts.

Ghosting someone is very immature and doesn’t speak well of our respect for others. If you notice, you’ve been ghosted – they read your chats without replying, they don’t return your phone calls nor do they like your comments on their photos – the best thing to do is to keep your head high and move on.

But we can’t do that without giving them a little piece of our mind. Best ghosting responses are vague and open-ended, to leave them wandering in their imaginations.

Send them any of these best ghosting responses, to let them know you already know what they did but they should have been a little bit mature.Best ghosting responses

30 Best Ghosting Responses

  1. 1. Is everything okay? It has been a while since you replied.
  1. Well, it’s been a while since I heard from you, I have to move on. This affair has run its course.
  1. I think you’re no longer interested. I would have preferred a proper notice, well, I wish you the best in your search for a soulmate.
  1. I really enjoyed knowing you but it seems our communication styles are incompatible. 

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  1. I am somehow confused about your recent silence. Would you like to talk to me about it?
  1. If you’re not comfortable with texting, would you mind meeting up in person to chat?
  1. The last time we hung out was so much fun and exciting, would you be interested in hanging out again? I’d be glad to plan something.
  1. Are you okay? It has been a while you texted and I want to make sure you’re doing fine.
  1. To be candid, this hot-and-cold style of communication is strenuous for me. I may have to move on.
  1. I don’t think it would be wise to start a relationship with someone who doesn’t prioritize communication with me.
  1. I’m grateful for the time and moments we shared together but I don’t think we may continue, because our communication styles do not align.
  1. I totally understand if you’re not interested in this anymore, but I’m not sure of what’s in your mind and I would appreciate some clarity. If you could provide.

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  1. I’m deeply pained by the fact that you ghosted me. I have been quite respectful to you, but I don’t think you’re reciprocating that. Well, I’m going to move on.
  1. Based on our recent communication, it is obvious that we’re searching for different things. I need someone who will prioritize me and understand my feelings.
  1. I know ghosting may be normal for you, but it is still painful. I won’t talk to you again.
  1. Ghosting someone is interesting, I hope you don’t get ghosted by someone else.
  1. There’s no need to distance yourself, we can stop talking if you’re not feeling it anymore.
  1. I think I deserve better than being left hanging, I’m going to take my search for a soulmate to somewhere else.
  1. I wish you considered my feelings before ghosting me. It was rather disrespectful and hurtful.
  1. You have not responded for a while now, I’m over it now. Goodbye and goodluck.
  1. I’m glad you ghosted me. You saved me a lot of trouble.
  1. Have a nice life.
  1. Don’t bother, I won’t stalk you. But you could have just been respectful and honest.
  1. It seems like your phones have been dead for over two weeks now. Meanwhile, I can help you with a charger.
  1. Are you still there?
  1. If you don’t text me, I’ll walk the walk.
  1. You’re busted! Ghost.
  1. I’ve got you a dictionary since you have challenges writing texts.
  1. This chat session is beginning to seem like a graveyard.

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  1. Seems you don’t know, Halloween is over. You can now stop playing ghost.

Bottom Line

Being ghosted by someone is very disrespectful and hurtful. But, there’s nothing you can do about it other than to move on and continue with your life.

However, you can use these 30 best ghosting responses to remind them that you already know what they did and you’re not really affected by it.

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