What Is Twin Flame? 24 Ways To Recognize Your Twin Flame

Have you ever met someone who shares almost every similarity with you? Whom you feel you’re mentally, emotionally and spiritually connected to? Do you feel pained during their painful ordeals? Do you feel you met with this person before?

If your answers to the above questions is in the affirmative, it is very possible that you’ve met your twin flame. Twin flame, sometimes referred to as mirror soul is you in another person.

What is twin flame

What does twin flame mean?

Twin flames could be described as two halves of two different individuals. Scientifically, there’s no prove to back up this belief system, but, according to people’s experiences, the phenomenon of twin flames is true. 

It is deeply rooted in mythologies and it is very much based on a lot of faith. It is an ideology that you share a soul with someone else; two of you are two halves of the same soul. One holds the feminine polarity while the other holds the masculine polarity.

What is twin flame? Succinctly, a twin flame is you in another person. You and your twin flame may be separate in the physical body but the same in the soul.

You share strengths and weaknesses with your twin flame and your relationship with them is often intense and interdependent.

There’s a sort of deep connection with your twin flame. This connection could be mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

Once you see them, there’s a feeling of magnetic attraction and you have the perception that you’ve met them somewhere before. Their backgrounds and upbringing sound very familiar to you.

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Do Twin Flames Have To Be Lovers?

There’s a strong emotional connection between twin flames. These connection could be so intense and natural to the extent a relationship is contracted easily.

You don’t hesitate starting a relationship with your twin flame because there’s already an invisible force pulling both of you together.

The relationship is very interdependent and the love is quite mutual. There’s always a balance because you and your twin flame are perfect compliments of each other. There are multiple similarities and a quest to improve and change. 

What Is Twin Flame Compared To Soulmate

You’re already wondering what could be the distinction between a soulmate and a twin flame. Though, they are very much related in the idea of emotional connection but there is a clear-cut distinction between a twin flame and a soulmate.

A soulmate is someone you form a genuine emotional connection or physical attraction with, almost immediately without much knowledge about them.

You just feel connected to this people and they could be friends, families or even acquaintances. This connection does not necessarily extend to intimacy. Then, what is twin flame?

On the other hand, you share the same soul with your twin flame. It is just your other half in another person.

This connection is beyond emotional, there’s a deep spiritual and mental connection between you and your twin flame. You share the same strengths and weaknesses and intensely connected over shared something – just like a shared pain. 

How Do I Recognize My Twin Flame? Signs Your Twin Flame Is Communicating To You

The concept of twin flame is very complex and deeply rooted in experience and faith. If you haven’t experienced it, you may not know what it means to be with your twin flame. However, to help you recognize your twin flame when you eventually meet them, we have come up with some well proven tips and signs.

  1. When you meet your twin flame, there’s a unique feeling of being at home and accomplished.
  1. There’s a feeling that you have met with this person before and you already know about their background and upbringing.
  1. If you meet your twin flame, you’d have this genuine eagerness to improve and be a better version of yourself.
  1. You feel like you’ve known your twin flame for your entire live. You easily relate to there past.
  1. You share strengths and weaknesses. Where you’re weak is exactly where your twin flame is strong. This is a natural means to maintain your compatibility with them.
  1. Age is not a barrier when you’re trying to start something with your twin flame.
  1. Whatever that happen to your twin flame is readily felt by you. You’re just emotionally together.
  1. You have challenges doing something when your twin flame is not within.
  1. Deal breakers in relationships are pardoned in your relationship with your twin flame. There’s a high level of tolerance and mutual respect.
  1. The relationship is characterized by extreme ups and downs. 
  1. You can’t categorically say how a relationship with your twin flame started. You both just found yourselves in something so strong and unique.
  1. The connection could be so intense that there might be a separation. Either you or your twin flame may have difficulties keeping up with the raging emotions and feelings.
  1. There’s always an opportunity to make up with your twin flame after any breakup. 
  1. There’s highs and lows in the affair. 
  1. When you compare your relationship with your twin flame to your previous relationships, you’d discover that this is the your best relationship so far.
  1. You’d feel your past relationships were just a preparatory guide for your relationship with your twin flame.
  1. You and your twin flame share almost the same thoughts. You can easily relate to their obvious thoughts.
  1. There’s extreme reactions in your relationship with your twin flame – extreme joy and dreadful moments.
  1. You have genuine empathy and compassion for each other.
  1. When you meet your twin flame, there’s a sense of familiarity despite the fact that you’re meeting for the first time.
  1. You’re just perfect compliments of each other. Where you’re twin flame is found wanting; you’re there. 
  1. There’s a feeling of magnetic attraction pulling both of you together.
  1. Your meeting with your twin flame indicates a critical change in your life. You strive to grow and develop yourself.
  1. There’s a genuine and healthy competition between you and your twin towards becoming the better halves of yourselves.

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Bottom Line

The concept of twin flame is real but often based on experience and faith. Though, science has not backed up this phenomenon; people can still relate to the existence of twin flames.

Your twin flame is just yourself in another person. You share the same soul, weaknesses and strengths. 

To recognize your twin flame, observe the deep emotional, mental and spiritual connections. There’s a feeling of magnetic attraction pulling you towards them.

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