10 Ways On How To Lose Feelings For Someone You Had Feelings For 

Breaking up with someone you love might be difficult but not as difficult as losing feelings for someone you loved. Break up comes so quickly and you may appear strong at the moment but gradually the aftermath of a breakup; losing feelings for someone you loved, begins to take its toll.

It is very difficult to lose feelings for someone you loved and cherished. Love and relationships require emotions and little rationality. Everything, including decisions made, is tied to the heart and the feelings for the significant other.

A lot of memories and emotional moments are always around the corner to keep your mind disturbed when you think of losing feelings.

It is easy to initiate a breakup, but how easy could it be to lose feelings for the person you had loved? This is where the task lies. However, for you to completely detach yourself from your ex, you must lose every atom of feelings you had for them.

Losing feelings for your ex doesn’t entail hating or finding them disgusting. It is about putting your emotions in check and gradually erasing memories of them, and start seeing them as just one of your many one-time friends.

We understand the difficulty in losing feelings for someone and how the inability to do so has kept a lot of lovers under serious emotional torture. That difficult situation where you can’t have them, you can’t love them more and you can’t still forget them; a very unfortunate situation.

If you’re worried about how to lose feelings for someone, rest assured, we have an article that would guide you through your journey of recovery and putting your ex behind, where they belong. 

How to lose feelings for someone

10 ways on how to lose feelings for someone you had feelings for 

We can understand you’re very determined to lose feelings for someone and cut ties with them, and we have below surefire ideas on how to lose feelings for someone.

1. Acknowledge your heartbreak and pains

Losing feelings for someone is not just wishful thinking, it requires conscious efforts that start with acknowledging your feelings. 

Don’t make the mistake of trying to suppress your feelings of heartbreak and pains, it would only muddle up the entire process. 

You’ve been hurt and it is only natural to accept your pains, acknowledge the heartbreak and your loss, then start thinking of moving beyond the break up. This is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of your eagerness to pick yourself up and get your life back on track.

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2. Don’t blame yourself

You have acknowledged your pains and heartbreak, and you may now start thinking of excuses and who to blame for your pains. Don’t make the mistake of putting the blame on yourself.

Convince yourself that “they didn’t leave because you’re fat,” “they didn’t leave because you’re financially down,” “they didn’t leave because of your height.” They actually left because they don’t deserve your love. 

However, you can start working on these suspicions and make your life better. Work on your body, put in more effort to raise your finances and stay fit always. This would put your life in better shape and boost your self esteem.

Blaming yourself for the breakup is just shooting yourself on the feet. Such thoughts would only mess up your self esteem and take your confidence to the bottom ground.

3. Start taking care of yourself

How to lose feelings for someone? Have you tried self care? You have to, honestly. Self care is just about putting your mental, physical, financial and emotional health at the top of your priority list. 

It is only when you begin your self care routine, that you would begin to understand the amount of energy and time you wasted in the relationship. And there would be nothing more feeling than spending this energy and time on taking care of yourself.

With self care, you pamper yourself, boost your self esteem, rediscover your purpose, start realigning with your career and start experiencing improved physical fitness.

Your self care routine would be enough to limit the amount of time you waste thinking of your ex. This is an important tip on how to lose feelings for someone.

4. It would take time

You have engaged in a self care routine does not mean the thoughts of your ex and broken relationship would vanish into thin air within days. Unloving someone requires time just as it does to love someone. 

You don’t love someone overnight; you invest your time, finance and emotions before you start falling in love. Similarly, you have to also invest the same energy and time when trying to get rid of someone from your mind. 

It would only be easy and fast to get over someone if you never truly loved them but, if you were really in love with them; you would require time to completely stop having feelings for them.

Read also: Why Do I Still Think About My Ex? Here Are The Reasons

5. Don’t jump into another relationship

Getting into another relationship immediately after a heartbreak has been considered a viable coping mechanism by many. But that’s not true. Rebounds would not take the pain of your mind, it would only make your mind turbulent because of various feelings.

When you jump into a relationship after a heartbreak, you don’t completely love the new partner; they’re only seen as options to help you avoid the pains of breakup.

You will judge them often, compare them with your ex, become high-handed with them, become so distrustful of them and hide your vulnerabilities.

This is not love and it won’t help you on how to lose feelings for someone. Just concentrate on letting go and only give another shot at a relationship when emotions are stable.

6. Start making friends 

Rebounds are not advised but making new friends is advised. You can’t stay alone with your thoughts during this challenging time. Get back to society and start associating with new people. 

Having a lot of people to talk to would make you rarely lonely and stifle the amount of time you could spare thinking of your ex. 

By making new friends, you’re forming new bonds and seeing life in a better perspective. With time, you would understand that the broken relationship only had you in confinement and you’re glad to have broken free. 

7. Talk to your friends and family

It doesn’t just stop at making new friends; you have to also confide in them. Tell your friends and family about your experience and plans. 

There’s a chance they might be in the situation before and would be in a better position to advise you. Also, hearing their own experience is a healthy coping mechanism and a strong tip on how to lose feelings for someone.

Read also: 8 Identifiable Signs Your Ex Wants To Sleep With You

8. Stalking them won’t help

How to lose feelings for someone? Stop stalking them. This is the mistake most people make while trying to get their ex off their mind. They don’t block them on their socials and only come around to take occasional peeps at their page.

This is very wrong and not helpful. What exactly are you intending to see? That they’ve been sacked or they’re thinking of you? You might even end up seeing that they’re already in another relationship and very happy about it. 

Stalking someone you want to close feelings for would only complicate the process. Take them off your space and your socials, concentrate on your self care and new friends.

9. Start learning a new skill

At this stage, you detoxified and got rid of the negative energy. It is now time to start a new chapter. 

Start by learning a new skill. There are a lot of skills you had interest in but didn’t have time for; this is the time. You now have the concentration and emotional balance to learn something new. 

Read also: Be Careful Who You Trust: 10 Important Things To Know Before Trusting People

10. Seek the help of a professional

How to lose feelings for someone? Get the help of a professional if the above tips didn’t get you losing feelings for someone. 

A professional therapist would guide you through your challenges and lead you through your healing.

Bottom Line 

Heartbreak may be inevitable in your romantic adventures and it is very necessary to have the knowledge of letting go. How to lose feelings for someone may be too difficult when you’re not aware of the needed tips. 

Losing feelings for someone you loved is very important for your mental health. Do your best to let go of your ex and prioritize your life and interests.

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