I Just Want To Be Loved: Why You Feel This Way And What To Do

I just want to be loved

At some point in your life, you have this inexplicable feeling of loneliness. It seems you have been left alone in your own pool, just you and your thoughts. You could see your friends mingling and playing some lovey-dovey with their significant partners. 

But you just imagine when you will be in their shoes. You remind yourself “I just want to be loved.” This is a natural desire to have someone who will give you attention, show you true love and respect your feelings. 

Saying “I just want to be loved” is an indication that you’re not yet where you’re supposed to be in the dating pool. There’s still a big hollow in your heart which only true love can fill up. 

It doesn’t matter if you are single or not. Provided you don’t feel Loved enough as you desire, you’re bound to frequently murmur “I just want to be loved.”

In some cases it could be that one has given true love their best shot, made the needed sacrifices and efforts but still end without being loved in equal measure. Such a person won’t avoid the thoughts of “I just want to be loved.”

However, in this article, we will address the psychology or reasons behind the phrase “I just want to be loved” and the surefire ideas to overcome such thoughts.

I just want to be loved

Why you’re saying “I just want to be loved” 

You can’t still fathom why you’re single despite your genuine efforts to land a successful intimate relationship and you’re already afraid of spending your entire life single. 

Here are signs you’re deeply craving for true love and you just want to be loved.

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1. You easily get jealous when you see couples

When you’re in love, you’ll hardly notice if some couple is playing lovey-dovey around you. You are not moved by the intimacy because you’re not starving for true love.

Unfortunately, when the chips are down and you’re out of love, it will be at this moment you’ll observe every sweet moment of any couple around you. With glare jealousy, you wish you’re in their shoes.

When you scroll past some pictures or videos of intimate partners, you scuff and increase your scrolling speed. You no more stand the sight of couples whispering sweet nothings or playing together.

These are signs you’re not in love and you’re already pondering within you “I just want to be loved.”

2. You’re finding it difficult to get into a relationship

Since your last relationship, have you been unable to go into another relationship? Then, you’ll have a reason to murmur “I just want to be loved.”

While others are easily jumping from one relationship to the other, you’re still finding it very difficult to get into one. It seems all the options at your disposal are not your spec. You’re still attached to your standards and yet unready to compromise.

3. You’re going through a heartbreak

Despite all your sacrifices and efforts, your ex still dumped you. It is understandable to feel emotionally down and drained. At some point, you may even think you can’t find love again and you would contemplate giving up on true love.

When you’re in this situation, your self esteem would be at an all time low and you may say “I just want to be loved.”

All you need is enough time to heal from the heartbreak. When the emotional trauma of the heartbreak has vanished, you’ll realize love is still a beautiful thing and you deserve better.

4. You don’t have close friends

Most successful relationships started as a friendship. When you have good friends around you, you stand a better chance of getting into a relationship. Your circle of friends makes things easy and opens you up to new potentials.

However, when you don’t have that friendship that provides you with warmth and affection, you will feel lonely and may say “I just want to be loved.” 

Such loneliness would make you think you’re not fit for love and not yet ready for a relationship. But that’s not true. It is just a feeling.

Read also: I Feel Unsatisfied With My Life: Here Are The Causes And What To Do

I just want to be loved

How To Overcome Saying “I Just Want To Be Loved”

As you have seen the reasons why you’re frequently saying “I just want to be loved,” we’re aware you’re now curious about how to overcome this feeling. Rest assured, we have got you covered. 

1. Love better

If you want to be loved, you should also be ready to love. Learn to reciprocate the love you receive in equal measure. Make the needed sacrifices and avoid previous mistakes that were inimical to your past relationships.

Love is beyond a feeling. It is an art that should be developed, trained and perfected to meet with our feelings.

2. Be selective

Being picky is not having a high taste. You should be able to select the best that would suit your desires. Because you’re craving for love does not mean you must give chance to every Tom and Harry out there.

There are non negotiables in relationships and setting boundaries from the onset is very necessary. You’re among the best and you won’t be greedy to demand for the best.

Read also: Why Do I Still Think About My Ex? Here Are The Reasons

3. Don’t blame yourself too much

It is okay to retrospect but blaming yourself for every situation would be disturbing. 

It is not your fault they broke up with you. It is not your fault you’re yet to find love. Take it easy on yourself and give love another shot.

4. Excuse some thoughts from your brain

Before you proceed in this process, it is very necessary that you reposition your brain. You have to put it into self-enhancing mode.

Get the thoughts of “being single forever” off your brain. Stop saying “I just want to be loved” and replace it with “I will get the best relationship.”

The battle starts from your mindset and you must put your mindset towards the right path.

5. Live the moment

It is totally unnecessary to over worry yourself with thoughts of ending up single when you’re yet to even hit 35. 

Cut yourself some slack and get back to the dating pool. There’s no need for the pressure and rush. Give yourself some rest and start appreciating the care and attention of people around you.

6. Socialize more

You have to widen your circle of friends. There are a lot of options out there and you can only have access to these options if you socialize more.

Don’t allow boredom to get the better part of you. Go out and meet new amazing people. You will get access to connections, friendship and the much needed emotional support.

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7. Seek professional help

However, if you have tried these tips and somehow you still can’t stop saying “I just want to be loved,” then it is time you meet a therapist.

These professionals have the experience and intelligence to understand your thoughts and give a better guide for recovery.

Bottom Line

In the end, you will be loved. Finding true love is not impossible but may only take some time. There may be ups and downs in the quest for true love but you would eventually get what you desire.

Start by loving yourself first, make better friends, meet more people, retrain your brain and seek professional help when necessary. And it would only be a matter of time and you stop saying “I just want to be loved.”

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