Live By The Sun Love By The Moon – What The Adage Means

Live by the sun love by the moon

The adage “live by the sun love by the moon” is about maintaining a balance between one’s profession and relationship. It is about striking a balance between logic and emotion. 

Realizing when to apply logic and when it is suitable to go by emotion is what “live by the sun love by the moon” entails. In literal understanding, the sun leads you with logic by day while the moon embraces emotions at night.

“Live by the sun love by the moon” encourages the balancing of your reality and desires. You can’t apply logic in relationships and you can’t apply emotions in business.

There’s a dichotomy between the two and the adage gives insight on how to navigate this dichotomy.

To live by the sun, you utilize critical thinking, logic to tackle real challenges. You don’t give room for emotions because every mistake made in this realm is paid for. 

Unlike loving by the moon, where you have your emotions as the response to your desires. You approach your relationship with emotion, love and tenderness just as the moon radiates mystery and change at night. 

In this article, we have outlined how to live by the sun and how to love by the moon. Follow these principles and you would strike a healthy balance between your work and relationship.

Live by the sun love by the moon

How To Live By The Sun

How to live by the sun is an insight on the first half of the adage, live by the sun love by the moon. It gives you the edge on how to navigate through everyday challenges from the workplace to your career.

1. Respect the rules of the land 

To live by the sun is about following rules and regulations guiding your establishment or place of residence. It is about facing reality and not your assumptions. 

There are rules guiding your utterances, there are rules guiding you at your workplace, there are rules guiding your behavior in the community. You must know these rules and obey them. 

Because, if you default as a result of your emotions, you won’t be punished with emotions rather with the limits of the law. So, to have a smooth working experience and smooth communal living, you must respect and obey laws of the day.

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2. Apply logic when handling practical issues

If you don’t apply logic in handling practical issues like your work, finance and health, you will record a catastrophic failure. Keep your emotions very far away from the realities of the day.

You have to focus squarely when you’re handling presentations, budgeting, planning and politics. There’s no way you could achieve results if you weave emotions into these affairs.

3. Plan for the future and embrace goal setting

To live by the sun implies you have to plan for your every move. It means you must hold yourself accountable for your decisions instead of shifting blames. 

Being accountable entails adequate planning and protocols. You can’t wish your way out of bankruptcy but you can avoid bankruptcy through adequate financial planning. 

Set your goals according to your dreams. The time may differ depending on what you want to achieve but the focus would remain the same. Get your career priorities right and judiciously work towards them. Only hard work can get you through and not emotions.

4. Weigh the risks before making decision

In a relationship, you can easily decide on anything without weighing the implications because you’re in love. The intimacy of the moment has clouded your sense of reasoning.

However, you can’t bring such laxity into your professional life unless you want to get yourself ruined. In your life, the risks associated with every decision must be studied closely. 

The consequences of any decision must be considered before decision-making. Risk assessment is very essential in the practical areas of your life and vocation.

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Live by the sun love by the moon

How to live by the moon 

The second half of the saying, live by the sun love by the moon, is meant to explain how your emotions should be deployed when dealing with matters of intimacy and relationship. You don’t need logic and critical thinking in this phase.

1. Use your emotions

There’s time for everything. Time for logic and time for emotions. You can’t apply logic in everything or you get worn out and bored. Your emotions are there to be recognized. 

Don’t be shy to convey your feelings and emotions, especially in a relationship. This what loving by the moon implies. Let your emotions flow and show your feelings. Loosen up and enjoy the feeling of being in love and being cared for. 

You need to be listened to. You need to be pampered and you need the attention your emotions would attract for you. This balance is very essential in maintaining healthy mental health.

2. Don’t be afraid

We know you have been so cautious of your every move during the day, now at night, it is time to let go of those fears. 

Do not be afraid to approach that beautiful girl. Don’t fear rejection and don’t be afraid of communicating your feelings to your partner. 

3. Don’t overanalyze your actions

We’re no longer in the business world where you calculate every move before taking a step. We’re now at the phase of loving by the moon, where you must follow your heart.

When it comes to love and relationships, you must listen to your heart and your inner voice. There’s almost zero need for being too analytical. 

4. Break the shackles of social norms

We understand the relevance of rules in maintaining a crime-free society but sometimes they make the life of people so stuffy. 

You have to loosen up from the grip of societal norms. It is not a must you should marry from a particular tribe. You must not choose a certain religion because someone wants you to do so. Create your own path and discover your happiness, which is the ultimate essence of our existence.

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Bottom Line

Live by the sun love by the moon is enough adage to help you in setting yourself up for life. Understand the difference between real life realities and relationships. 

There are areas in your life where you apply logic, critical thinking, risk assessment and goal setting; and there are also aspects of your life where you must allow your emotions to lead the path. 

The aim of the saying, live by the sun love by the moon, is to assist you in striking the much needed balance between your vocation and your relationship.

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