Why Can’t I Find Love? Sure 5 Reasons Why You’re Single

Why Can't I Find Love?

Love is a beautiful and magical feeling which everyone craves for. It is special that it elevates the self-esteem of everyone involved, through its caring and compassionate nature. Almost everyone desires and wishes for that special moment in their lives when they would be unconditionally loved and cherished by others. This feeling of smitten with … Read more

How To apologize To Someone You Hurt Deeply, 10 Tips

How to apologize to someone you hurt deeply

Many relationships and friends have hit the wall because of the inability of either partner to make a sincere apology when necessary. For some people, their self-worth is placed every other even at the detriment of a peaceful and stress relieving intimate relationship. But, for others who understand the magic a sincere apology can do … Read more

100+ Things To Talk About With Your Crush

What to talk about with your crush

It could be very difficult to start up a conversation with your crush, especially when you don’t have anything in mind to discuss with them. Lack of topic ideas to discuss with your crush could make you nervous and hinder your effective communication. To put your best foot forward, it is advised that you should … Read more

How Do You Know You Love Someone? 13 Surefire Ways

How do you know you love someone

How do you know you love someone? Loving someone or being in love is a magical feeling, that consumes the thought process of anyone. It is an exceptional feeling that comes with untold ecstasy and excitement. Writers, poets and musicians have made significant efforts to dramatise or visualize what it actually feels like to love … Read more