Teasing Seduction: How To Seduce Your Woman And Get Her In The Mood

Seduction has been as old as intimacy. It is a spicy object for intimate relationships. Seduction is an active tool to awaken the interest of your woman in the other room and get her in the mood for an intercourse. 

Teasing seduction works effectively to get your woman in the mood, make her relaxed, comfortable and attracted to you.

It has worked in the past, and it will continue to work. With teasing seduction, you won’t have a boring day in the inner room. 

Provided you know the art of seduction, how to play it, harness it and effectively utilize it. There’s no mystery about the art of seduction. All you need is a woman who is smitten with you and so attracted to you.

Though it might be difficult to master the art of seduction, it is nothing herculean. We have developed tips to enable you to master the art of teasing seduction that would be effective in setting your woman up for intercourse.

Teasing seduction

Teasing Seduction: 18 Tips To Get Your Woman In The Mood 

Some people are naturally gifted in the art of seduction. Mere words from them are seductive in their own right. There steps even reek of seduction. 

However, if you’re not naturally seductive, there’s still room for improvement. Follow these tips and apply them frequently and you’d see changes in the mood of your woman when you’re in the inner room.

1. Create an impression

The first step in the art of seduction is impression. You have to win her attention as soon as possible, let her know you’re in for some serious business. Let her know that it’s not business as usual and you want to create something special.  

Read also: 3 words to make a woman want you: 15 major phrases

Creating an impression in the beginning would prepare you for a successful romance and eventually, an intense lovemaking. Be as sexy and sweet as possible.

2. Smell nice

Your fragrance says a lot about you. Ladies are very sensitive to smells, and they can easily pick out a nice one. Smelling nice would make her comfortable around you and eager to hug you if the need arises. Just get a good deodorant and have that good smell before meeting her.

3. Dress well

Dressing is another thing which women notice easily about men. A bad dressing can easily stifle the interest she’s trying to build. Dress well and increase your chances of getting her interested in you.

Dressing is not just about getting a matching set of outfits, it includes a good haircut, well trimmed nails and neatly shaved beards. She would find it very difficult to resist your every move.

4. Gifts are also necessary

Women are easily attracted to men who care about them. Doing something nice or gifting her is a way to underline your commitment and reassure her of your caring nature.

You can get her some flowers and chocolates but if you have a hint of any problem she’s trying to solve, you can help her solve the problem. 

Teasing seduction

5. Start with a romantic gesture

Romantic gesture is about doing something good for her that conveys your interest. It is very important to make a romantic gesture as it would show how much you are willing to sacrifice to make her happy. 

One efficient romantic gesture is helping out with the meal. You can surprisingly make dinner and prepare her favorite dish. Let her relax and watch you do the cooking. 

6. Use genuine compliments

The effectiveness of a compliment lies entirely on its sincerity and context. Let your compliments be simple and genuine. Look at her closely and figure out things that should be complimented genuinely. 

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Don’t go overboard with your compliments to avoid ridiculing her. 

Here are a few examples that can do the magic: “Your eyes are so innocent and I wish they could see through my mind,” “You look great in that gown,” “you talk softly, I’m actually thinking you’re a chorister.”

7. Set the atmosphere

Teasing seduction won’t work if the atmosphere is uncomfortable. Your seduction starts with setting up the mood, putting things in others and securing the most appropriate atmosphere. 

You can set up a romantic mood by cleaning up the house, changing the bed sheets, getting her new set of undies, lighting up the room with scented candles and hanging up some fragrant flowers. 

Such an alluring atmosphere would make you relaxed, comfortable and attracted to you.

8. Maintain eye contact

Teasing seduction would be incomplete without prolonged eye contact. Immerse yourself into her thoughts with intense eye contact. Stare at her closely, gaze through her body and leave your gaze on her eyes.

A lingering seductive look would get her nervous and make her look back at you shyly. Don’t be timid to hold eye contact. This is a sort of supremacy battle, don’t drop your gaze when she returns it.

9. Close the gap and let her perceive your smell

Get close to her and let her smell you. But your cologne and your natural smell should be picked up by her. Give her mental work to decide whether she likes your smell or not. Let her have you in the thought process at any moment.

10. Break the touch barrier

You have to be cautious with this tip to avoid divulging your intentions or appear desperate. Make it gentle and calm. The touch must not be on any sensitive part of her body that may arouse suspicion and discomfort.

It is better to touch the parts where there are almost zero nerve endings. It could be their hand, their face, or even a part on their back. 

Physical contact is necessary to break the touch barrier, get them comfortable around you, put them in anticipation of similar or more touches.

Teasing seduction

11. Allow them do the chasing

In the midst of the process when you’re confident that you have their attention, you can tilt your attention towards something else.

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She would try to bring back your attention and make herself the focus of the moment. This is just a subtle way to confirm if seduction is making an impact.

12. Don’t raise your voice

In teasing seduction, there’s nothing as romantic as a calm low voice. Don’t fake the low tone to avoid scaring her away. Be calm and talk slowly. 

13. Be confident

Girls are rarely attracted to timid men. Masculinity is very important in the art of seduction. And you don’t have to be an alpha male to show confidence. 

Just act like you’re sure of what you’re doing and she is lucky to have you around. Carry yourself with utmost respect and your value would be inflated. 

Have faith in yourself and be in control of the narrative. With unshakable confidence, you are halfway to victory.

14. Create a mysterious aura

The value of anything skyrockets when the thing is difficult to comprehend. Don’t be easily predictable to avoid losing value. Be mysterious, put her on the defensive and let her imagine what your next move would be.

Teasing seduction

15. Be resilient

Yes. Be pushy. Try and explore every alternative. Some ladies would delay their replies just to find out if you’re confident in what you’re doing. However, also know when to stop if she says no.

16. Don’t be needy

Ladies don’t like needy men. It shows desperation and a sign of lack. Even if you want her badly, try your best to conceal this utmost desire.

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17. Work on your humor

It is no news that girls are more attracted to playful men. Don’t be too serious if you’re trying to charm her. Do your best to make her laugh. Crack jokes that would help to ease any tension that may build up.

18. Talk dirty

Since you have awakened her interest, it is time to take the process to another level. Talk dirty and get her to imagine a lot of things. Tell her what you could do in the inner room. Let her know how calmly you’d play with her sensitive places. 


Teasing seduction is very necessary to spice up your intimate relationship. The tips identified above should serve as a guide, as you also have to make use of your initiative. Make sure your woman is in the mood and on the same page with you.

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